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Streaming January 13-25, 2023 Digital Screening Room

Israel | 76 minutes | 2022

Narrow Bridge

East Coast Premiere

This powerful and moving documentary follows four people who have lost either a child or a parent to violent conflict and transform their grief and trauma into courageous activism. But their stories are not just personal. They all belong to the grassroots movement of Israeli Palestinian Bereaved Families, whose participants stand side-by-side to end the violence and build a future based on dignity and equality. Despite fierce political and family opposition, they refuse to give up. While these men and women all wish they could turn back the clock to before tragedy struck, they would never change who they have become. Their many activities include talks to Israeli and Palestinian high school students, workshops for bereaved adults, women’s parallel narrative groups, and an annual Memorial for Victims of Conflict, where the suffering on both sides is noted. Five years in the making and charting a journey of hope amidst pain, The Narrow Bridge lights a path to personal and social change.

Director's Bio

Directed by Esther Takac

Director Photo
Esther Takac has been consulting as a child and adult trauma psychologist with Palestinians and Israelis in a Jerusalem hospital regularly over the last nine years, and working on her documentary feature film debut, The Narrow Bridge, since 2017.

Cast and Credits


Esther Takac


Esther Takac


Adam Weingrod, Yair Moss


Uri Mizrahi


Rami Elhanan, Bushra Awad, Meytal Ofer, Bassam Aramin

Film Info






76 minutes


Hebrew with English subtitles
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